Saturday 10 July 2010


GLEN GAIRN: NJ 294 008

Locality 1 Low-angled slabs beside road
•    Pale medium grained granite
•    Joints
Locality 2 Flat exposures near tree line
•    Pinker granite (more alkali feldspar)
•    Blob like pegmatite – feldspar crystals up to 6cm (gas rich magma has fewer nucleation sites leading to larger crystals)
Locality 4 Exposures near birch and pine trees
•    Metamorphosed dalradian sediments with foliation (schist). Folded.
•    Sharp contact with granite
•    No chilled margins or baked edges – intruded at depth (not a big temperature difference)
•    Evidence of other magmatic rock types (diorite, feldsite)
Locality 3 Crags west of Little Craig
•    Coarser grained, biotite poor granite
•    Sharp contact with sediments
•    Huge pegmatite block

WOLVES ROCK – Above Kindrogan field centre
•    Large fallen block of Pitlochry schist with garnets (2 - 4 mm) [garnet mica schist]
•    Well defined depositional layers. Strong foliation – larger, redder garnets, weaker foliation – smaller oranger garnets (less Fe)
•    Foliation around garnets (pre or syn kinematic)

NIGG BAY: NJ 965 049

Going away from carpark
Locality 1
•    50:50 mix of granite and schist
•    Migmatite
•    Granite oozing out of foliation in schist
•    Horizontal foliation in schist
•    Granite produced by crustal melting (20-30% to release granite)
Locality 2
•    Medium grained granite (pink)
•    Less granite than before
•    Foliations more random
Locality 3
•    90:10 granite:schist
•    Granite with small blocks of country rock in random orientation
•    Fine to medium grained granite
Locality 4
•    Amphibolite
•    Sharp contact with granite
•    Boudinaged quartz


•    Fold with axial cleavage
•    Beds visible
•    Antiform
•    Younging direction towards centre so downwards facing and at least 2 stages of deformation
•    Other synforms and antiforms visible

STONEHAVEN: Perthumie Bay NO 884 877; Garron Point NO 894 877.

Garron point
•    Pillow lava
•    Highland boundary fault
Skatie shore
•    Rocks show bedding (steeper 80°) and cleavage (60°)
•    Metapsamite
•    Fine to medium grained sand
•    Fining upwards
•    Some flute marks
•    Beds right way up


Day 1
Locality 1
•    Quartzite
•    Elongated quartz grains
•    Long tabular feldspar crystals
•    Linear fabric
•    Bedding (cross stratification)
Locality 9
•    Schist
•    Garnet
•    Stautolite
•    Kyanite (did not see)
•    Crenulation lineation
Locality 6
•    Large (10mm) garnets in sheet associated with quartz
•    Garnet mica schist
•    Garnet pre or syn kinematic
•    No convincing boudinaged garnet
•    V. good crenulation

Locality 4
•    Kyanite??
Locality 3
•    Amphibolite
•    White plagioclase crystals
•    Hornblend

Day 2
Locality 11
•    Schist
•    Garnet – pre or syn kinematic (eye structures)
•    Kyanite (convincing) random orientation (cutting fabric)
•    Amphibolite with long tabular plagioclase
•    Sharp contact with schist
•    Weathering proud
Locality 10
•    Metamorphosed limestone
•    Isoclinal folds
•    Folds follow bedding
•    S- and Z- folds
•    Small outcrop of schist between limestone and dyke
•    Sharp contact between amphibolite dyke and schist
•    Garnets in amphibolite

•    Planar fabric – schist only
•    Linear fabric – schist (crenulation), quartzite (quartz and feldspar) and amphibolite (feldspar)
•    No fabric – limestone
•    All locations in kyanite zone but chemistry not always suitable to produce metamorphic minerals (eg kyanite needs Al)